What's on your top 5 dealbreaker list?

I’m so pleased to report that we just opened up our 4th escrow for our latest buyers, after showing them just one property!  I’m sure you are scratching your head and wondering, “How is that even possible?, it takes me 3 days of shopping just to find the right fit in jeans!”
Since 2004, I have been honing my skills so that I can help my clients determine what THEY want in their next home.  Before we start shopping, I ask my clients to come up with a “TOP 5 dealbreaker list”.
We do that by using the following guidelines.  The rules are the same for everyone, regardless of budget.
  • List no more than 5 things, in order of importance that are a MUST for your next home. (See examples below).  It is possible that you will have more than 5 things that are important to you, but if we focus on the top 5 on the list, we will be more likely to find you your home in the most efficient manner. Feel free to list #6 and #7, as it’s always good for me to know as much about you as possible.  Typically, we are able to get at least 3-4 of the top 5 deal breaker list items in your next home, assuming there is a limit to your budget and price range.
  • The list is NOT set in stone.  It is a starting point, and it MAY change over time.  By visiting properties both in person and online, you start to realize what you want and what you don’t want in your next home.  For example, you may not even realize that having a spanish style home was even important to you when you first called me.
  • Keep me posted if your needs change during our search. It’s important that we are all on the same page so that I don’t show you properties that no longer meet your Top 5 needs.
TOP 5 dealbreaker examples:
Ricky and Janet                                                                                               
  1.  Under $2M
  2.  Three+ bedrooms, 2.5+ baths
  3. West of the 405
  4. Guest House or office space separate from main house
  5. NOT on a busy street
Rachel and Jeff
  1. Within 7 miles of work
  2. Two+ bedrooms, 1.75+ baths
  3. 1400+ sq ft
  4. up to $1M
  5. Open concept living room/kitchen


  1. Must be in Santa Monica
  2. The biggest place I can get for under $700,000
  3. Prefer HOA dues under $500 per month
  4. Must have bathtub in bathroom (or place to put one)
  5. 1 bedroom is ok. (can we get two bedrooms?)
If you want to know more about how to work through and prioritize your “Top 5 dealbreaker list”, contact me and we can set up a time to discuss and work through it together.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Revi Mendelsohn, Realtor, The Mendelsohn Group
310-963-7384 cell/txt  ReviMendelsohn@gmail.com
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