Carol Hogel

Carol Hogel

In February/March 2007 Revi Mendelsohn handled with great patience, perseverance, and plain hard work, the purchase of 3345 Mandeville Canyon Road, Los Angeles, for me. This house sale will probably be the most bizarre and challenging negotiation of her career, involving a sitting tenant dying of cancer, two sellers with volatile tempers and vile language which they were not embarrassed to flaunt in front of Revi, and a buyer (me) sitting in Scotland. Most agents might simply have thrown up their hands in despair and said this cannot be done. Revi, through compassion for the very ill, elusive, difficult but charming tenant, huge amounts of tolerance for the sellers, and sheer determination to reach through the ether to the mysterious buyer in the UK and move this house into ownership, through me, to a charitable Trust, accomplished the impossible. She kept her good humour throughout some very tortuous and protracted negotiations and was extremely resourceful and energetic in finding solutions to all the legal and administrative hurdles, as well as those tossed up by some of the fractious personalities involved. Did I mention that all of this was accomplished in a mere 13 days? Now, our beloved tenant is with us no more, and the house will be resold by the Trust's beneficiary. And to whom shall we turn? Revi, of course! I hope she pursues her career at Coldwell Banker or elsewhere for many years to come so I can rely on her in all future. Sincerely,