Tag Archives: resolutions

5 Tips To Help You KEEP Your New Year’s Resolutions

We all want to start the new year off on the right foot, so we set goals for ourselves to accomplish in the bright year ahead. We’ve all been there – life starts to get in the way of those goals, and the task of re-starting begins to feel daunting and almost impossible. In hopes of creating our best year yet, we’ve created a list of the top five ways to help stay on track and achieve those resolutions we’ve made for ourselves. We hope this list helps all of our readers.


  1. Be realistic and specific.

By saying you want to win the lottery in the new year, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. It is important to set achievable goals that are detail oriented. For example, if your hope is to lose 50 pounds, it is very realistic to say you plan to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week by focusing daily on better food choices and consistent exercise!

2. Make your resolutions a few things you really want.

It is so much easier to stay motivated when you really want something. Take the time to clearly focus on how each goal will improve your life, and how much of each day you would like to devote to making those improvements. If it is something you really do want, it won’t seem like such a chore. Keep the positivity and motivation alive by remembering the reward once you achieve said goal.

3. Make a plan and write down your progress!

It is key to not only make the plan, but to continue writing down each step you are taking to get there. This goes back to being specific – making a plan that has a schedule (say, going to the gym at 5:30 PM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) will improve your chances tenfold of you actually committing. Once you have figured out the specifics, keeping track of what you are doing to make it happen helps keep you accountable and makes the finish line seem much closer. It is also very self-motivating to take a moment to remind yourself that you are in fact doing what you have set out to do!

4. Automate.

According to BankRate.com, if you have financial goals, the best way to help keep you on track is to automate your transactions. Set up your bank accounts to take “X” amount from you checking and put it into a savings account, depending on how much you wish to save at the end of the year. This applies to many other goals as well, as with new technologies you can now automate many different services and reminders.

5. Remember you are in charge, and don’t give up!

It is easy to let distractions get in the way of the changes you want to make, but making sure to remember you are in control of your life can help combat those distractions. Of course there will be slip-ups and set backs, but make an effort to not let those moments overwhelm and defeat you. Don’t be too hard on yourself either – we are all human and we deserve self-love and praise! Be confident and vigilant, and your New Year’s resolutions will become a reality!

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