Author Archives: Revi Mendelsohn

Home Maintenance Checklist

I recently had the pleasure to help a client with a property that she was renting out.  She owned the property for many years and unbeknownst to her,  there were some items in her home that were in need of repair.  We found some of the repairs entirely by accident, and luckily, we were able to remediate and repair them in time for her new tenants to move in.  She suggested that I put together a list of regular home repairs that property owners should do on a regular basis, and thus, this blog was posted for you.  Over the years, I have learned alot about home repairs as I sit through home inspections and help guide and strategize with my  buyer clients through their inspection contingency periods.  If you are thinking about buying or selling, give me a call and let’s figure out the next steps to make your experience the best that it can be.     Warmly, Revi

Home Maintenance Checklist

Owning and caring for a home is a big responsibility, but the right repair tools and maintenance tips allow for easy living. Smoothly navigate your home’s seasonal upkeep with our home maintenance checklist and expert advice.

Like a health physical, routine maintenance is important for every home’s upkeep and well-being. Continuing to check up on your exterior, appliances, heating and cooling, plumbing, security, and electrical systems will help prevent breakdowns, save money, and keep your home looking its best.

Monthly Home Improvements

Inspecting your home and completing monthly home improvement projects will keep your maintenance schedule on track and easier to manage. A comprehensive monthly home improvement checklist is easy to implement, both in terms of time and money. Here is a list of basic monthly home improvements:

  • Clean the furnace filter to remove dust build-ups, make it easier to regulate your home’s temperature, and ultimately decrease utility bills.
  • Check the water softener and replenish salt if necessary.
  • Clean faucet aerators and showerheads to remove mineral deposits.
  • Inspect tub and sink drains for debris; unclog.

Seasonal Home Improvement:

Fall Maintenance Checklist

In many regions, fall is the perfect season to tackle important home improvement projects because the weather is generally dry and temperatures are moderate. Before you start your seasonal home improvement tasks, examine both the interior and exterior of your home. Most of these home maintenance items can be accomplished without the help of a professional, but it’s always better to be safe and call for assistance if a home improvement project is beyond your abilities. Here are our seasonal home improvement recommendations for fall and spring:

  • Rake leaves and aerate the lawn.
  • Have forced-air heating system inspected by a professional. Tip: schedule an inspection in late summer or early fall before the heating season begins.
  • Check fireplace for damage or hazards.
  • Seal cracks and gaps in windows and doors with caulk or weather stripping; replace if necessary.
  • Swap old, drafty windows for more energy-efficient models.
  • Touch up exterior siding and trim with paint.
  • Inspect roofing for missing, loose, or damaged shingles and leaks.
  • Power-wash windows and siding.
  • Remove leaves and debris from gutters and downspouts.
  • Mend cracks and gaps in the driveway and walkway.
  • Drain and winterize exterior plumbing.
  • Have fireplace professionally inspected.
  • Tune up major home appliances before the holidays.
  • Repair or replace siding.
  • Replace the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Install a smoke detector on every floor of your home, including the basement.
  • Clean the carpets.
  • Clean window and door screens.
  • Vacuum lint from dryer vent.
  • Inspect exterior door hardware; fix squeaky handles and loose locks.
  • Check for frayed cords and wires.

Spring Maintenance Checklist

  • Inspect roofing for missing, loose, or damaged shingles and leaks.
  • Change the air-conditioner filter.
  • Clean window and door screens.
  • Polish wood furniture, and dust light fixtures.
  • Refinish the deck.
  • Power-wash windows and siding.
  • Remove leaves and debris from gutters and downspouts.
  • Replace the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Have a professional inspect and pump the septic tank.
  • Inspect sink, shower, and bath caulking for deterioration.
  • Vacuum lint from dryer vent.
Original article appeared on

True or False?



Q. When you hire me to sell your home, all I do is place a sign in front of your house.


As agents, we do so much more than just place a sign in front of your house when we sell it. In fact, did you know that my team and I handle over 500 line items for each transaction?
I put together a partial list of items that I typically handle for my clients when selling their home.

CONSULT WITH THE SELLER to learn what their motivation is for selling. Some want do downsize, upsize or move to a different area or state. I have even determined after speaking with sellers that they truly do not need to move and I have helped them come up with a solution to make their living situation more suitable to their needs by referring them to lenders, decorators, etc.
MEET AT THE PROPERTY AND REVIEW ITS CONDITION : This is a very important step as it is up to me as your agent to explain to you how the condition of your home will affect the price and timeline for the sale.
MAKE SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE APPEARANCE AND CONDITION OF THE HOME: Once we agree to work together, we review options to make the home more appealing and marketable to potential buyers. A coat of paint can go a long way, as can decluttering and organizing. We have referrals to qualified service providers that can help you with organizing your home, providing you with a step by step plan for making your home the best that it can be. We also help plan out a budget for improvements. We will prepare a cost benefit analysis for each dollar spent and discuss the best use for your money and time.
SET UP A CUSTOMIZED MARKETING PLAN: Each property has its own needs and appropriate style for marketing. With the use of the internet, social media, facebook ads, email campaigns, and in some cases paper marketing, we will ensure that your home gets the maximum exposure when it is ready to hit the market. We will hire a professional photographer to photograph your home and show it in its best light.
EVALUATE CURRENT MARKET CONDITIONS TO RECOMMEND THE BEST LISTING PRICE: We will provide you with a list of comparable homes that have already sold, as well those that are on the market so that we can determine the most appropriate price for your home. Selecting the most appropriate price will lead to the highest sale price in the shortest number of Days on Market.
SET UP OPEN HOUSES AND SHOWINGS: We will plan out a timeline for you starting with when the home will be ready to photograph, MLS list date, Open house schedule, and approximate offer review and opening of escrow.
CREATE AN ORGANIZED OFFER SPREADSHEET: We will share offer information in an organized and easy to understand method so that you are aware of all activity pertaining to offers on your home.
REVIEW AND CONSULT WITH YOU ON THE OFFERS THAT HAVE COME IN: We will go over each offer and determine the best course of action for each one individually. We will advise you on how best to counter each offer to bring you the highest possible sales price and successful close.
PREPARE ALL PAPERWORK REQUIRED FOR THE SALE OF YOUR HOME: We use electronic signing programs to save you time and paper. We will prepare all of the paperwork required to successfully close the sale of your home.
LIASE WITH ALL SERVICE PROVIDERS: As your Realtor, we are essentially your project manager and we are here to ensure that the service providers involved are doing their job. We co-ordinate with inspectors, escrow, title, lenders, fellow agents, repair people, etc on your behalf to keep the transaction moving along.
HELP YOU PLAN YOUR NEXT MOVE: We will help plan out your next move and coordinate and advise on dates to help you transition to your next property. Whether you are renting, buying, or moving out of state, we have the resources to support and help you every step of the way.

This is just a sampe of the items my team and I handle for you when you hire us to sell your home.

Want more information or want to meet?  Click here to set up a time to chat with Revi.

Revi Mendelsohn, Realtor, The Mendelsohn Group

Rodeo Realty Beverly Hills   310-963-7384

I’m so pleased to report that we just opened up our 4th escrow for our latest buyers, after showing them just one property!  I’m sure you are scratching your head and wondering, “How is that even possible?, it takes me 3 days of shopping just to find the right fit in jeans!”
Since 2004, I have been honing my skills so that I can help my clients determine what THEY want in their next home.  Before we start shopping, I ask my clients to come up with a “TOP 5 dealbreaker list”.
We do that by using the following guidelines.  The rules are the same for everyone, regardless of budget.
  • List no more than 5 things, in order of importance that are a MUST for your next home. (See examples below).  It is possible that you will have more than 5 things that are important to you, but if we focus on the top 5 on the list, we will be more likely to find you your home in the most efficient manner. Feel free to list #6 and #7, as it’s always good for me to know as much about you as possible.  Typically, we are able to get at least 3-4 of the top 5 deal breaker list items in your next home, assuming there is a limit to your budget and price range.
  • The list is NOT set in stone.  It is a starting point, and it MAY change over time.  By visiting properties both in person and online, you start to realize what you want and what you don’t want in your next home.  For example, you may not even realize that having a spanish style home was even important to you when you first called me.
  • Keep me posted if your needs change during our search. It’s important that we are all on the same page so that I don’t show you properties that no longer meet your Top 5 needs.
TOP 5 dealbreaker examples:
Ricky and Janet                                                                                               
  1.  Under $2M
  2.  Three+ bedrooms, 2.5+ baths
  3. West of the 405
  4. Guest House or office space separate from main house
  5. NOT on a busy street
Rachel and Jeff
  1. Within 7 miles of work
  2. Two+ bedrooms, 1.75+ baths
  3. 1400+ sq ft
  4. up to $1M
  5. Open concept living room/kitchen


  1. Must be in Santa Monica
  2. The biggest place I can get for under $700,000
  3. Prefer HOA dues under $500 per month
  4. Must have bathtub in bathroom (or place to put one)
  5. 1 bedroom is ok. (can we get two bedrooms?)
If you want to know more about how to work through and prioritize your “Top 5 dealbreaker list”, contact me and we can set up a time to discuss and work through it together.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Revi Mendelsohn, Realtor, The Mendelsohn Group
310-963-7384 cell/txt  [email protected]
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Today’s buyers have access to so much more information than they had just 10-20 years ago.  Did you know that once upon a time if you wanted to know what was on the market, you had to actually KNOW a Real Estate agent in order to get access to the PRINTED BOOK of listings?

Today, that is no longer the case. If I put a listing on the MLS (Multiple Listing Service), I can get it in front of thousands of potential buyers in a matter of minutes.  Give me a few days, and I can get in front of tens of thousands of buyers.

When buyers look up listings, they almost always check Days On Market (DOM).  They are looking to see how long a property has been sitting on the market before they consider the property as an option.  As a Realtor, I do the same thing.


DOM can provide us with a tremendous amount of information when preparing our strategy to help our clients buy a property.  The shorter the DOM, the less likely the seller will be willing to look at a lower price offer.  The longer DOM, the higher the chance we have an opportunity.  When I say opportunity, what I mean is that, the seller is likely tired of having their home invaded by visitor coming to take a look. They have to keep it clean as well as find a place to house the family pets during the showing or open house. They are likely ready to have an offer placed in front of them and move on with their lives.

The problem is…

When  property has more than 14 DOM here in the Los Angeles/Beverly Hills area, people start to wonder, “WHAT’S WRONG WITH IT?”.  Every other listing has sold in the first 2 weeks, why is this one sitting?

There could be many things wrong with the house, but I would make a bet that it has to do with PRICE and PRESENTATION.  If the house was priced right based on how it shows and its other attributes like size, location, surroundings, etc, it would have sold by now.

So what should you do?

Listen to your agent when they show you a listing that has high DOM.  Before you ask, “What’s wrong with it?”, go in with an open mind, and see if you might like the house.  With the right agent on your side, you might just be amazed at what can be accomplished.  I have come across some incredible deals for my clients in a tight market.  With the right approach, style and demeanor, lots can be accomplished in a tight Real Estate.

Would you like a customized strategy formulated for your home search?  Would you like to learn how to WIN that next multiple offer situation?  Give me a call at 310-963-7384 and let’s talk, or click here to set up an appointment directly in my calendar.


Revi Mendelsohn, Realtor


It’s time to take that trip around the world!

I’m noticing something in the Real Estate market that I want to share with you.  If you have purchased your home in 2012 or before, there is a huge opportunity for you RIGHT NOW!  If you wait, you will still be ok, but you will have to wait out another Real Estate Cycle.  We don’t know how long the next cycle will take to hit, but this one is on its way.

Here is Janet and Rick’s story:

Janet and Rick contacted me in 2011 through one of my past clients, wanting to buy her first home.  They had been renting in Santa Monica for many years and decided that they were ready now.  It was nearing the end of the year and the market had slowed down for sellers.

They had specific location requirements and were flexible with the size of their home, but wanted to stay in the mid $700’s range.  In Dec 2011, we came across a house that had been on the market for almost 6 months and while it started out at a list price of $1,100,000, it had gradually been reduced every month until it was priced at $765,000.  We just received the notification of the price reduction on Dec 8, 2011.  We quickly set up a showing appointment.  The house was painted a rainbow of colours and needed some work, but it was OVER 3000 SQUARE FEET in size!  It was a tremendous opportunity and we jumped on it right away.  By Dec 13, we had the house in escrow.  We won out over other buyers as we moved quickly and we were able to purchase the home for asking price of $765,000.

About 1 year after they moved in, they called to tell me that they had their home appraised and it was now worth 1 MILLION DOLLARS!  Yes, within 1 year, the house gained 30% in value!

Fast forward 5 years, and Janet and Rick are thinking of a change.  I ran some comparable properties for their home and guess what?  Their home is now worth about $1.3 Million!

You know what else?  They will be able to make up to $500,000 in profit TAX FREE due to capital gains exemptions*!  

Guess what?  Once we sell their house, they will have many options to choose from…one of which is to take that trip around the world for 6 months that they always wanted to do!

What are you dreams and aspirations?  How can I help you realize them?  Click here to set up a time to chat and let’s figure it out together!

Talk soon!



*Please check with your tax professional. This is not intended to be Tax advice.

Get 5 years of my time for free!

Have you ever considered what your time is worth?  Did you know that when you speak to an expert for a few minutes that you are actually getting years of value.  You see, if the expert weren’t an expert, you likely would not want to spend time talking to that person about that specific subject, assuming you are looking for advice, of course.  Spending just 5 or 10 minutes speaking with someone who knows what they are doing, is actually giving you years of value. That is to say that throughout the years of experience accumulated, the person from whom you seek information, can provide sound advice quickly and that it is in fact worth many years of time.

Sometimes I come across clients who want to work with multiple agents at the same time. Most people understand that the dedication, experience and commitment that I offer them is such that if I gave it away to anyone that wanted it, I would not be able to provide the level of service that I provide to those that I am committed to (and who are committed to me). I came across this article and it so completely explains why even 5 minutes of our time is not really 5 minutes. It is a culmination of all our years of expertise so that the 5 minutes is really worth 5 or 10 years of time.

Here’s a quote from the article that describes its main thesis:

“If you desire someone’s time, you’re not desiring their current time, you’re actually desiring the value of all of their past time that went into making their current time desirable. It took them a long time to learn the things they know how to do that make you desire access to their current time.”

If you would like to discuss what is going on with the market and how we can help you, I would be happy to set up a time to talk and see how I can be of service.  Click on this link to set up an appointment directly in my calendar.

For the full article, click here                                                 screen-shot-2016-11-08-at-12-51-11-pm

Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Revi Mendelsohn, Realtor  The Mendelsohn Group 310-963-7384

Coolidge Ave Block Party 2016

The Mendelsohn Group had the pleasure of sponsoring the Coolidge Ave. Block Party on Sunday, September 18th! We met so many wonderful neighbors and their beautiful families on Sunday! We made so many great new friends, and had the chance to hear them talk about their beloved neighborhood. Click here to hear Skyler and Liberty talk about how Coolidge has evolved over the years. Click here to watch the interview with one of Coolidge’s longest residing neighbors. This neighborhood has such a special feel to it, we were so happy to be warmly welcomed. The Mendelsohn Group provided a bounce house for the kids, and an ice cream truck for everyone! We even did a raffle for two awesome gift baskets. Thanks to all the neighbors at Coolidge Avenue for showing us such a good time. See below for all the great pictures of the event!

Bonnie shares her love for her Coolidge Ave neighborhood.

Skyler and Liberty discuss their beloved Coolidge Ave.

We are nowhere near Bubble Range!!

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There are some industry pundits claiming that residential home values have risen too quickly and that current levels are on the verge of another housing bubble. It is easy to see how this thinking has taken form if we look at a graph of home prices from 2000 to today.

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The graph definitely looks like a rollercoaster ride. And, as prices begin to reach 2006 levels again, it “seems logical” that the next part of the ride would be downhill. However, this graph includes the anomaly of the price bubble and the correction (the housing crash).

What if the bubble & bust didn’t occur?
Let’s assume that instead of the rise and fall in home prices that we saw last decade, we just had normal historic appreciation from 2000 to today. According to the 100+ experts that are surveyed for the Home Price Expectation Survey, normal annual appreciation for residential single family homes from 1987 to 1999 was 3.6%.

Starting with the median home price in 2000, we added 3.6% to it each year since then. Here is that graph intermixed with the above graph.


What this shows us is that, had the bubble and crash not occurred and instead we just had normal annual appreciation over this period, prices would actually be greater than they are today.

Bottom Line

There is no reason for alarm as prices seem to be right in line with where they should be.

Want to talk about what this means to you as a buyer or seller? Call Revi today! 310-963-7384

Source: Keeping Current Matters 2016

I met Kim 5 weeks ago, here is what she thinks of me…

Here is what she had to say about me…

“You were such an amazing advocate for me and my family and a true joy to work with!  I am so extremely impressed with your consistent professionalism, your willingness to jump through hoops and your creative, inventive solutions to every obstacle that we faced during the selling and purchasing process.You were ALWAYS accessible and you made me feel like I was your only client. You are extremely internet savvy and you understand how vital social networking is and how it relates to Real Estate.  The quality of your service is unsurpassed. Revi, you truly are in a league of your own! You were always there when I needed you and you went above and beyond to explain every step in the process.  What impresses me the most was your determination and grit to meet and exceed all of my needs.  I would be very happy to recommend you to any and all of my friends and family who might be looking for a Realtor.  And personally, I know that I have a friend... I can’t wait until I work with you again. A heartfelt thank you.”

Kim Tinsley, West LA Seller and Porter Ranch Buyer June 2016


Here is how we met…

Fellow Peachheader Kim called me about 5 weeks ago to invite me over to see her condo. She told me that she had heard about me through Peachhead and that she had been following my blog posts over the years.  It felt great to know that the information that I am putting out there is being read and appreciated by the group.  What also felt great was chatting with someone with whom I had an instant connection.


Kim and I met the following day, I listed her condo, and we put it on the market within 2 weeks. I helped her get her place “show ready”, suggested some changes and helped her plan out where to store her extra furniture.  She did a great job getting the place ready.  She listened to my advice on pricing, and sure enough, after 100 people came through our first open house, offers started coming in immediately.  Within the first 7 days, we negotiated the best offer and put the property into escrow.  

Now the fun begins…

While we were in escrow, Kim invited me over again and asked if I would be able to help her buy her new home.  Of course, I was honoured and I accepted.

Within about 1 week, we identified the property that Kim wanted to buy, and shortly thereafter, we won out over multiple offers.

Since I was involved in both transactions, I was able to plan out and map out Kim’s move, and additionally, through hearing her requirements, I was able to secure a very economical leaseback from the buyer of her townhome as well as plan out an escrow for her new home that fit her exact timeline.

Coordinating 2 concurrent escrows is one of my specialties and this is my third time in 2016 creating a successful plan for my clients.  Want to know more?  Or maybe you are wondering if I work in your area?  Give me a call!

I look forward to hearing from you!

Revi 310-963-7384


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The Mendelsohn Group presents at Career Day!

Last week, The Mendelsohn Group was invited to and had the pleasure of presenting at TWO Career Days! Environmental Charter Middle School in Inglewood and Shalhevet High School on LA’s Westside welcomed us and gave us the chance to spend the afternoon with their student body. Both fun-filled days involved professionals from all different career fields educating students about what our jobs entail.

We took the opportunity to not only educate, but to inspire young kids to work hard and find what they are really passionate about. I got to talk about how I found my passion in Real Estate, how I’ve worked to be successful, and what we do in an average day at The Mendelsohn Group! We covered everything from gaining clients, and helping buyers find a home to listing a home and marketing our listings and brand. We also got to answer questions the students had for us, and hear what their dreams for the future were.

Students at both schools were incredibly smart, attentive, and passionate about their futures. We are so thankful to both Environmental Charter Middle School and Shalhevet High School for inviting us to share our love of Real Estate with such eager children! We were so happy to be a part of such an influential day for these soon-to-be young professionals. And the students got w some of our new Mendelsohn Group swag — water bottles and pens!


I think we even helped inspire some future realtors!

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