Have you ever considered what your time is worth? Did you know that when you speak to an expert for a few minutes that you are actually getting years of value. You see, if the expert weren’t an expert, you likely would not want to spend time talking to that person about that specific subject, assuming you are looking for advice, of course. Spending just 5 or 10 minutes speaking with someone who knows what they are doing, is actually giving you years of value. That is to say that throughout the years of experience accumulated, the person from whom you seek information, can provide sound advice quickly and that it is in fact worth many years of time.
Sometimes I come across clients who want to work with multiple agents at the same time. Most people understand that the dedication, experience and commitment that I offer them is such that if I gave it away to anyone that wanted it, I would not be able to provide the level of service that I provide to those that I am committed to (and who are committed to me). I came across this article and it so completely explains why even 5 minutes of our time is not really 5 minutes. It is a culmination of all our years of expertise so that the 5 minutes is really worth 5 or 10 years of time.
Here’s a quote from the article that describes its main thesis:
“If you desire someone’s time, you’re not desiring their current time, you’re actually desiring the value of all of their past time that went into making their current time desirable. It took them a long time to learn the things they know how to do that make you desire access to their current time.”
If you would like to discuss what is going on with the market and how we can help you, I would be happy to set up a time to talk and see how I can be of service. Click on this link to set up an appointment directly in my calendar.
For the full article, click here
Let us know what you think in the comments below!
Revi Mendelsohn, Realtor The Mendelsohn Group 310-963-7384